
I want 'HIM"

HIM the dream guy that always wanted. Who is him?
All this time I've been in a relationship and get hurt in the end
It always wasn't something that I want in the relationship.

I want someone who will always be there for me.. especially through the hard time.
It's OK to be miles away.. but don't make me feel like I'm just your option..

I want HIM that will never say that he is board talking to me.. Listen to the things that I wanna share..never make me feel that I'm just being needed when he is just bored..

HIM that will never make me feel unwanted.. Treat me special even when with his friends.. love me the way I am.. call me beautiful even when I'm not.. never let me down.. those little things which means a lot to a girl...

Don't ever make a girl wait for your call... but If she calls you first, it means that she really miss you.. but if you reluctant in answering the call... you just don't know how much you hurt her feelings... if your busy just tell her you are but never sound uninterested to her saying..

If you play hard to get the girl... then Play hard to keep the girl.. you just never realize what you have till you lose it..

P/s: can't sleep and feeling down when making these..


Oli Oliday !!

Akhirnya tamat sudah tahun pertama menuntut di UiTM sebagai pelajar undang-udang :)

Buat rakan-rakan saya yang sanggup bersama mengharungi pahit dan manis sepanjang perkenalan kita, terima kasih korang.. hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa saya sangat sayangkan korang :)

(with my classmates)

Mulai harini tanggal 7/7/2012 saya akan bercuti panjang wee...


Sweet Moment

Music memang boleh buat orang rasa happy kan.
Lagi-lagi bile time tengah sakit bile dengar orang maenkan lagu untuk kite mesti rasa terharu sangat kan. Last night I had a high fever again..
haih demam x kebah2 sebabkn urat badan x betul lagi..
end up I couldn't sleep at all..
I thought lepas call my doraemon boleh la tidur..
pergh still the same...

Then not long after that doraemon start sending me whatsapp calling him..
he try to cheer me up with some songs with his friend's guitar..
that is one of the sweetest thing you ever done to me..
lagi-lagi when you start singing 'caramel' song
one thing about him.. die x romantic tapi certain time die akan jadi lelaki yang sangat sweet.
I love you syg :)
even though x ley tidur juga lepas tu but I'm feeling really happy
at least ilang skit rasa sakit tu..

p/s: you make me feel soo lucky dear :)


My first Sem Story

It's been ages I had forgotten to update my blog and what make it worst I forgot my password..
end up I had to create a new password..
now still in semester break and its coming to an end
just wanna tell you that I really miss my classmate class I
even though we are actually not that close to another but let me say to you
they are such a good classmate
class I you guys are the best

All I know I have a great class rep ans assistant class rep.. Enda and Hafez :)
well done my dear friends..

Study in degree really seems to be a lot of different compare to when I was in foundation
all I know the pressure is higher and need to study harder than before..
well who says Law is easy?..
Ergh.. try to memorize more than 100 cases and Facts before you could say the word easy.
I struggle myself a lot for this first sem,.
however my result are not as good as my hard work..
but its ok.. maybe there is something wrong with the way I do it..
I got to fix that.. :)
I fail to get DL for the first sem..
its ok.. still there 5 semester to go..
*go fara you can do it

There are so many memories I had when I'm in first sem..
The fun part was that sometimes I, eyka, azmie, syad, cyrill, hanis, and yad will went cycling together around UiTM..
It was fun :)
and I really miss it..

Below this are my 'geng berbasikal' wearing blue is cyrill..green is yad.
me in purple.. white shirt is nabilah.. syad in black.. azmie in orange.. eyka wearing the red hairband and hanis wearing black shirt :)
miss having fun with you guys
hope we can have more activities for next sem..

my dear classmate I really wish that I could stay for the next semester with you all
but if we can decide a new class for next sem I had to choose the best class for me
I mean the class with have a better time table..
but you guys will always be in my heart

The Story

Lately I've been addicted to this song.. just wanna share it with you guys :)

The story I'm about to tell you shows that

Love is unpredictable
One moment you have it
But then you lose it all again
This woman fell in love in early years
With a man who spoke directly to her soul
She was slowly taken by the aura that he had...

Couldn't tell him how she felt
It was too late for her to realise

His heart was never open
While hers will always be
She keeps it all to herself secretly
Though her heart will keep on beating
He will never ever see
How this story could turn out to be

She was always there when he was happy
Always there when he was sad
Whatever whenever for him
She always took her time
With every touch it felt like he came closer
But really what went on was something else
It was all in her head
Cos she wanted it so bad

Couldn't tell him how she felt
It was too late for her to realise
To realise

His heart was never open
But hers will always be
She keeps it all to herself secretly

Though her heart will keep on beating
He will never ever see
How this story could turn out to be

The sun goes up, the moon comes down
Week by week keep passing by
She tries not to think about him
Always when the rain falls down
She thinks about a different time
How she's missing not to hold him
And have him by her side

His heart was never open...

His heart was never open
But hers will always be
She keeps it all to herself secretly

Though her heart will keep on beating
He will never ever see
How this story could turn out to be