
Balasan Derhaka

Selama ni kalau org kata jgn melawan kata cikgu nanti ilmu x berkat
jangan x percayakan tu..
even kutuk-kutuk belakang cikgu pun amat ditegah dalam Islam..
igtlah walau sehebat mana pun kita di dunia ini tanpa seorang guru ataupun pembimbing siapalah kita..

sepanjang menjadi seorang cikgu ni x sangka ade gak bdk2 seawal usia 12 taun yg sudah berani bersikap kurang sopan kepada cikgu..
bdknya sgt bijak and cekap membuat kerja cuma die mempunyai sikap yang amat tidak menyenangkan hati..

beberapa hari yang lepas bdk2 UpSr ni baru menduduki peperiksaan percubaan..
and yg plg unexpected die yg slame ni x nah x dpt semua A tibe2 kecundang lam subject penulisannya...
dan bile teringat blk td... rupanya2 I dah pernah terasa ngan die sewaktu class bm..
yeah I teach him Bm..
teringat blk waktu suruh bdk2 ni wat penulisan ucapan untuk hari guru...
and I remember he refused to do it..
time student laen sibuk siapkan essay masing2..
die lak ley duduk termenung and asyik tulis and padam je essay die..
mengatakan ssh sgt nak siapkan..
I pun peliklah napa bdk sebijak die x tau langsung nk wat..

herm bile class tamat rupanya2
die x ley wat sbb die x mempunyai langsung rasa nak menghargai seorang cikgu
and I still remember his words that
"Cikgu asal plak patut dihargai patutnya dimaki je!"

astagfirullah x sangka ayat tu kuar dr mulut bdk tu..
haih mungkin slame ni die bijak die fikir itu semua tanpa doa and berkat ilmu yg dia belajar slame ni dari seorg cikgu

and at that moment mmg I terasa and x tau nak kata apa lagi dah at bdk tu
soo I just pray that he'll change one day..
but bile ngok penulisan die yg x dpt 'A' agak terkejut gak sbb bdk yg truk dr die ley dptkn 'A' tuk penulisan...
mungkin waktu die wat I terasa ketika tu watkan ilmu yang die belajar tidak berkat...

time tu wat I sedar yang sehebat mana pun kite jgn ego
hormatlah at cikgu kita..
kerana once die dah terasa ngan kata2 or perlakuan kita tiada berkat lam ilmu yang kita miliki..



I thought you were my friend..
lately you change a lot..
I mean a LOT!!
you once there when I need ya
I can say anything when I'm with you
I can always be honest to myself when I was with you..
I really love when you treat me the same like you does to your friends
I miss that person that will always accept everything on what I say and how I treat him
but now every time when I'm with you I always need to becareful on what I might say
some times I'm not honest to myself and to you lately
and you make me feel tired entertain your ego
for a second you are nice to me..
and in a split of moment you'll blaming me on something which you don't have the rights to be blaming me on..
I HATE it!!

I'm sorry if you once thought I had accepted you in my life..
for what I had remember I only said that I'm giving you the chance to try
I never said that I'm gonna love you and accept you to be as more than a friend
but you keep blaming me for the misunderstand
for all this time I just kept quit cause I hate thinking that you'll be hurt
soo I let you blame me for everything..
This is what happen when your best friend once had feelings for you..
you should know me better..
you had known me for years now..
you should have know that its hard for me to love someone and letting him go and it might take years for me to recover..
give me space to breath..
I hate when things like feelings come into our topic..
I hate that!

harsh words really hurts..
and you keep using it against me when your mad..
then after awhile you'll come back being friends with me acting like things are ok..
it's not OK!
everyday it's getting tiring.. n I'm fed up with your ego!
I'm staying away from you cause I know we can't even be friends cause you'll keep blaming me
and you'll think I'm giving you hope..
I'm tired of it!

now I'll just keep silence from you starting from now..
I hate hurting you but you just keep on hurting me
what friends are for??
what is the meaning of friends to you??
maybe its my fault to be close to you..
I'm happy with my life now..
please don't interfere
it's ok if I'm lonely...
one thing please don't greet me and pretend that things are ok..
it's not ok..

p/s: there is no such thing as a best friend between a girl and a boy...


Syukur Alhamdulilah


BAND 4!!!
alhamdulilah syukur ke hadrat ilahi..
akhirnya diberikn peluang ke-2 untuk teruskn pengajian ke bidang perundangan di UITM
tak dpt digambarkn betapa gabra nya sblm ni nk check result camne..
huhu.. alhamdulilah berkat usaha dan doa2 drp mereka yg sentiasa mendoakn kejayaan sy
akhirnya berjaya gak pass MUET ni.. huhu
cukuplah ngn band 4 n pointer yg x seberapa tinggi 3.62 ni tuk smbung undang2..
yang paling gembira bila tau teman2 yang rapat sama2 dulu turut sama berjaya
syukur sgt2..
sekarang tinggal tunggu utk update result baru je..
insyAllah buat teman2 ku yg akan sambung menuntu ke bidang perundangan gak
"kita jumpa di sana, insyAllah"

p/s: setiap kegagalan ada hikmah di sebaliknya.. insyAllah..


Sad Swing..

It was a beautiful morning,
soft winds blow in summer time,
two young lovers feel so free,
walking hand in hand across the beautiful lake,

The swing where we used to share the laughter
grow silent suddenly
Then it left only me playing the beautiful sound of the swing..
your side of place grew silence each day..

The melody of the swing become a sad melody..
only the sound of the swing with no laughter but only tears..

what happened to me? what happened to us?
I won't let anyone to ever fill your side of the swing
I'll wait for you to fill the missing melody and
restore the laughter that we once had
till then it will only become a sad swing.

New Baby on the Road

Maruti Suzuki’s new Alto - A-star

New Baby will be on the road within this two weeks..
hehe..I'm soo damn happy n thankful for the give from my parents ^^
finally I could have my own car.. alhamdulilah..

It's soo cute!!
n I'll have it in pink colour..
geee my fav colour. ^^

but.. haih
my result for MUET will be coming out soon..
n I'm soo nervous right now..
it's my only chance to continue in law studies..
wish me the best..
n hopefully I'll get band 4 this time..
I wanted it soo badly this time..

Ya Allah.. I'll hope the best for me n only You know what best for me..

P/s: I'll called my alto, goofy because of its goofy eyes.. ahaha XD


Sesat lagi menyesatkn..

ok td tibe2 dpt call dr member asking directions sesat at subang n nak gi ke putra height.
tujuan utama just tuk memberi surprise for his gf...
sweet an... but yg klakarnya mcm mn la ley sesat raban.. huhu rsnya ikut directions satu2 sure jumpe ye.. huhu..
malangnya he asking me for the directions
huhuhu mmg la akn makin sesat camtu.. cause i sendiri pun ssh nk igt jln bile da on the road br igt..
n bile da berjaya smpai at putra height huhu sesat lagi..

kalau ty i jln2 at putra height tu mmg i sendiri pun akn sesat kalau nk cari umah kwn
huhu putra height its not my place..
my dear fwens jgn la ty arah jln pd sy ye laen kali..
huhu i'm good in giving direction if i'm by ur side je..
if lam phone tu mmg la i x dpt bygkn jln tu.. huhu

p/s: sweet but klakar gak eyh member i tuh.. anyway hopefully he learns his lesson agar jgn lupe bwk gps kalau x tau jln.. :P


In a Relationship

"single" to >> "in a relationship"

ok bile tukar je status semua terkejut n hy tau like je status fb..
huhu x selidik dulu ke btl ke x status tu?..

sorry my fwens...
actually I'm not in a relationship at all..
it's just for stating that I'm not available...

de yg kata
"kamu tu perempuan nnt x psl2 x de yg nak at u lg an igt u tu x single"

lagi bagus mcm tu..
at least x de la rs sesak

now I love my life ^^
I mula belajar menyayangi diri I lebih
n plg utama I makin dekatkn diri pada agama..
itulah yg terbaik bkn..

but tanx sbb ambil berat ttg I sgt2 my fwens
I love you guys soo much!
jgn marah ye

kalau bnr pun da couple I akn state terang2 with who
thats my promise :)

tapi buat masa yg lama ni
hati ni mmg x terbuka tuk coup lagi
and I da mcm x percaya akn relationship coupling ni..
mungkin krn hati mmg x trbuka lg tuk sp2..

p/s: kalau da de hati pun at sum1 lebiy baik cinta lam diam je n arapkn die akn fhm sendiri :) kalau de jodoh xkan lari ke mn bkn.. insyAllah