
She Really Needs To Go

when I woke up this morning it was not a good start of the day for me..
My dad called me n my sis to see what is going on down there at the kitchen.. because he heard a loud noise n sound of my maid mumbling.. it was so loud that I can hear it from upstairs..
My sis went down to look what is going on with my maid.. n I am really shocked when I heard my sis screaming... I hurriedly went to the kitchen..
It was really a shock for me.. from what I had saw..
My maid laying down on the floor..looking up straight with her mouth mumbling words which I
don't know.. white bubbles coming out from her mouth and blood everywhere..
her head might had knock to something and it was bleeding heavily..
on that moment I thought that I was going to loose her..

I scream to call my dad.. he hurriedly came to see and he quickly take a towel n asked me to
stop the blood by using it... we afraid that she might loose a lot of blood..
My dad quickly call for an emergency..

I was shivering that moment.. my hands fills with blood and I was holding the towel to stop the bleeding.. My maid she still mumbling..white bubbles coming out from her mouth...
all I can think of that moment was just pray to Allah s.w.t for her safety..

My dad asked us to look after her while he was waiting for the ambulance..
about a few minutes after that my maid, she was trying to stand up...
actually what was happing to her is that..she had this disease..actually we really don't know what it is.. but when it comes she will faint and fall accidentally on the floor and a second after that she will stood up unconsciously forget her name and everything and continue her work..
it is really dangerous for her... we just afraid that she might hurt herself unconsciously..
Thats the reason why she had to be sent home to Indonesia.. she is not well..
but her illness comes for some times only.. she had been working for my family about 4 years now.. and I am really close to her.. she is like a friend to me.. n I really love her..
but she really needs to go..

she was struggling to get up.. I and my sister try to stop her.. we hold her tight..
the things that weird us up is that she was trying to take off her pants..
she was still unconscious.. I still try to stop the bleeding.. holding her head with the towel.. the towel was already soaked with blood.. my sis hold her leg and try to stop her from getting up..
however, she manage to get up and try to walk with her head bleeds..

On that moment I am really mad at the ambulance.. Where was it!..
Just imagine we need to wait about half an hour.. if its really an emergency cases and the person is dying.. it might be too late for that person.. Urgh! it was awful

We tried to stop her... she unconsciously tried to get back to her routine.. cook, mop, washing..
I really can't stand that time.. we tried to stop her.. but she wont listen.. forget everything and like a mad lady trying to continue her work with her head bleeding..

Yeah, I was really panic that time.. but I tried to calm down.. pray for giving me a strength..
I tried to coax her slowly to stop her from doing anything and please oh god!! JUST STAY STILL WILL YOU!!!..

but it was useless she was still unconscious.. I follow her everywhere and try to prevent her from doing anything that will harm her..
I was really afraid that time.. just imagine u r with sum1 u love.. and that person was bleeding and still don't even realize and unconsciously do not know what was happening to her..

on that moment what I can do was that just pray to god that she will quickly recover and realize what was happening to her..

Ya Allah!! where's the ambulance.. after a while she start to remember.. looking at me with weird eyes.. asking me what was happening..
I was really thankful that time that she finally remember...then she realize that her head is bleeding and felt the pain..

emergency arrive and she was brought to the hospital..
She really need to go... I can't stand anymore seeing her like this.. unconsciously and forget everything doing her work like a mad lady.. the thing that made us afraid had finally come..
her disease really harm her and it is really dangerous to be letting her work here..

Bibiq I really love you.. I hope you get well soon..

p/s: I can still smell the blood on my hands..