
Yuna's Secret Concert


ONE word To Described The Concert
Yuna Inrpired Concert ni di anjurkan oleh digi and astro hitz..
and it actually khas tuk peminat2 setia die yang telah memenangi pertandingan yg dianjurkn oleh digi and astro hitz

herm x ramai pun yang ley attend the concert
concert tertutup la thats why its called secret concert
x sampai seratus lebiy pun yang ada..
siap ade refreshment lagi di sediakn..
rileks je concert die..

eyh2... I'm not her fan...
actually herm I have a confession to make..
I x nah minat dia..
saje je nak menyibuk ke concert die
My bestie effy yang invite I gi concert die...
well she is not one of her fans too..

Actually yang menang ticket concert tu adlh bf die
her bf minat sgt ngan Yuna
but unfortunately die x ley hadir sebab die at Mesir doing his Medic

Thats why I would like to say thanx alot to my dearest effy!!!
ahaks lama tau knl die ni since standard one lagi..
soo kire la bp taun ktorg knl..

ok sblm concert start apa lagi gi toilet dulu la..
ok2.. event ni die wat at showroom at solaris dutamas,kl
mencari la ktorg mn satu tandas perempuan
yg plg unik ye ngok la lukisan at blakang ni...

ntah sapa yang decide ltk lukisan ni as depan toilet...
pelik but klakar..

concert die start dr 8.30 act smpai 10 lebiy
byk gak lagu2 yg die maenkn..
about 10 songs I guess
and the best part we get to sit at the best place...
nak duduk depan takut kn pggl lak..
maklum lah dah bukan peminat
kang suruh nyanyi kantoi lak..

her guitarist ..
smart an?? siap kai leather jacket lagi..

setiap perkara mesti ade je bnde yg wat kt x puas hati an..
and the thing is the host...
seksi mengalahkn penyanyi
actually she should respect others...
ni bukan concert rock yg die perlu kai seksi2..
and mostly yg hadir adalah student...
bandingkn penyanyi and host die..
sorang sopan and sorang lg... haih
mcm nk curi spotlight jek..

but lps dgr die nyanyi live
I just realize something
her songs are not bad
what I really love her english songs..
the best part die byk nyanyi lagu2 baru
including the song title "MEMO"

Yuna your concert was really inspiring..
and I kinda starting to like you ..keep up the good work girl :)
and beb tanx for inviting me..

and bile abis je concert tu..
well I ngn effy x sabar2 turun cari makanan..
and we both had ur dinner at Papa Rich
well sembang2.. smbil tunggu aunty effy ye concert abis
aunty effy lps anta ktorg die gi concert Wings well msti lg happening an
and lam kul 12 lebiy tu tibe2 nmpk Yuna and manager die lalu dpn ktorg,,,
ahaha rs nyesal x kjr
kalau x ley amik pic ngn die..
haih x pe la..

p/s: It was very sweet of her boy friend to be treating her soo nice.. gee I'm soo jealous..