
A shoulder to lean on..

friends come and go.. but I will never forget my one special friend, Neddy. She is the one I will look for if i'm in trouble or when i'm tremendously feeling happy. She is a friend who I can cry to and take advise with. I first met her last sem staying the same room with me. ^^ First, we are not even close to each other but than we both realize that we do share the same interest. We share secret a lot.. theres a lot about me that she knows. I never had a friend that would cry for me. :') I still remember that one night where I'm so hurt that I could not even cry no more.. what makes me surprise is that she felt sad for my situation and accompany me all night long. sigh* its been a busy day this sem..n what makes me sad is that now the time that I spent with her seems to be no more..I really miss having a roommate like her.. herm.. actually a lot that I want to share about her.. but then just let be a secret. :)

p/s: Neddy I love u soo much!! mayb more than fitri loves u..hehe