
Turning Out to b Good Friends ^^

Starting out as a stranger no ideas about each other in the end turning out to be fun to hangout with. During my first day I never expect that I would be close to these four babes..nida, zati, su, and dayah. First impression wasn't always right to judge someone.. because I was wrong to judge them in the first place thinking that they are the one who I expect them to be. Likewise, Nida.. she is a very outspoken person and I thought that she would be someone who is very serious,ferocious and a quite person turn out to be fun, and honest person I had known herm.. plus++ before i forget the most important one "manja".. ahaks.. ^^ Next, zati.. well about zati my first impression to her is 'stolid girl'... and again I was wrong, she always have the same interest with me and what make it to be more exciting sometimes we do think the same way. About su.. the first person I met during my first sem. Wow! about her... she does seems look like a very decent and a quite girl herm... trust me when she starts making her jokes you will laugh out of your lungs.. Dayah, just get along with her this sem.. a lot to say but I'll make it short.. a straight forward girl. These four are my classmate and the people who I enjoy my sem with.

p/s: missing one member.. where is su!! huhuhu..

And to these babes.. thanks for being there in class of course and be a good companion in every assignment. Sorry if I once hurt you girls by words or by action..because I'm just an ordinary person who will always make mistakes in life.. Goodluck for you girls in this second sem. Hope that during our last sem together the memory we will shared will be cherish for a life time ^^..