
Fire and Ice

Malam gala foundation law.. ^^ Fire and Ice was truly amazing.. I had fun that night..
all the perfomance was quit awesome.. every1 were dress up beautifully and smartly..
malam tu every1 transform sampai ley x kenal da masing2.. wah the girls semua make up tebal2.. ahaks cantik je semua..

ok persembahan tarian okla.... just that berterabur la skit.. haha but mostly semua focus pada makanan... kebulur da masing2... ahaha bila gelap pe lagi lahap la semua.. nasibla semua yg duk semeja ngn fara semuanya gurls... br la sedap skit nk makan.. ahaha

malam tu ktorg dihidangkan ngan nasi hujan panas,.. colourful je nasi die..
lauk die sedap la gak... ^^ sgt puas bila makan.. yg bengang je satu je... akak yg isi nasi tu kedekut ye de ke patut skit je die isi lam piggan nasi tu.. =_=!!!

with all my beloved friends... love them soo much :)

wah ni ngan group gorgeous.. hot stuff nih.. ahaks...
x tau la mcm mn ktorg ley berkwn this sem...

I'm with su and hidayah :) ok act fara x tinggi dr dorang just kasut tumit tu je tinggi sgt..

Mona Lyssa Band.. for me they were awesome... :) bile lecture n dekan semua balik..
woah dinner jd live consert lak.. persembahan dorang sgt bertenaga..
and apa lagi semua bergerak ke depan pentasla sambil bersorak..

Ok... tuk post yg ni x ley nak ckp byk sgt..lately makin sibuk ngan final.. tinggal seminggu je lagi nak dekat exam...
mayb pasni akn lambat skit post any cite baru... nak focus lebih tuk final...
wll surely miss menconteng di blog ni...

P/s: wish me luck aite tuk final ni.. muah!




woah... ok this week everyone busy ngan preparation tuk malam asasi.. apa kasut nk pakai? nk pakai dress ke or kebaya?? apa awk pakai? alamak, tudung lupa nk beli la!... ahaha mcm2 kerenah bila nk dekat dinner ni...tema tuk dinner "fire and Ice"

But, pada malam tersebut akan ada penerimaan anugerah dekan utk sem 1...
well terkejut gak bila nampak banner sebesar2nya at depan fakulti siap de list nm penerima anugerah dekan skali.

Btw congrats kepada semua penerima anugerah dekan besok.. just x sangkalah
sebab baru sem1 dah de anugerah ni.. lagipun ni just result tuk sem1 baru.. belum menjaminkn tempat tuk smbung degree nnt.. still got this sem2 tuk struggle.

hehe btw I'm one of them yang berjaya dpt anugerah tersebut.. herm jangan igt tinggi sgt
just manage to get 3.72 je.. but alhamdulilah...
somehow rasa pressure lak de angerah cam ni sbb nnt kalau sem2 tersangkut malu gile...
huhuhu anyway i need to work hard tuk jamin tempat tuk degree bsk...
fighting fara!!

p/s: huhu korang pakai baju pe tuk dinner bsk.. msti hot kan masing2.. ^^


3 things

Its all about the three things... hehe a few days ago I keep asking some of my friends the 3 things that they like and hate about me.. actually its for me to know what people see in me..the good things about me and the bad things about me.. because I want to be a better person than I was before..

now these are those 3 things that they comment about me..

things that they like about me:
- ur smile
- ur maturity
- ur kindness
- Mulut aku lancang tapi kau boleh tahan.
- Kau baik
- blh diharap
- cntik ble snyum
- mature tp kdg2 je cm bdk..
- you're sweet..
- you're kind..
- you're adoring..
- you're wonderful..
- you're amazing just the way you are..
- u really a good friend
- know how to teach idiot man! HAHAHA
- sentiasa nmpk menarik! n ma
- ur smile 4sure
- hmm..i can share everything wit u
- i love da way u treat me
- awk comel..
- awk sempoi,sy ske huhu..
- awk bek..
- cheerful & sweet person.
- senang utk di bawa borak2 (friendly a.k.a per
amah lar gak)
- i think u are a good lover.haha
- lovely
- beautiful
- faithful
- bubbly attitude
- smart
- sopan (eceh...)
- hardworking
- tough when it comes to study or family
- just like a sister xD

things that they dislike about me:

- weak when it comes to love things.
- easily hate things when it doesn't follow d way you want it to be
- hate seeing u cry bcos of man.
- cengeng (layan sakatan)
- cepat marah
- BaMel (bajet chumel)
- kdg2 bile moody tu je
- muka mintak penampar kau tuh!
- perngai kau yg sgt rajin n perfect. im jealous! hate it
- bila kau bad mood gila bangang. brckp pun xnk.ee!
- annoying sgt ble mrh
- ske wt muka wlaupon mrh kt org laen
- sarcastic ckit tp jrg sgt la
- Kau bukan watak anime.
- Kau tak reti tgk anime.
- Kau tak faham kecantikan anime.
- ble awk nk bls dendam
- mood awak x menentu
- awk sombong!!jrang dh tgur sy..
- awk jnji nk bg hdiah tp x bg2 lg
- x der lg kot..

well tu je kot comment2 ye...that i manage to get from my friends.. anyway thanks for your honest answer... ok I admit that sometimes I did things that annoyed every1 around me.. but truthfully I love making fwens with you guys.. sorry if I once hurt your feelings.. I change the bad things that you all see in me.. tanx aite :)

p/s: korang ni betul ke ni jujur??... ahaha


Falling in Love with an OLD MAN XD

well last friday.. theres a speech assessment tuk subject bel (english subject) and my friend came up with an interesting topic which is 'falling in love with an old person it's not a fault' ahaha kinda interesting right?.. XD

sumhow lps dgr isi2 die.. which are older man lebiy pandai handle perempuan, older man lagi serious lam relationship and older man lagi secure financially... I have to agree with all the reasons...
yep age is just a number... slalu ye yeah lelaki muda lebiy cenderung hy masih mencuba dan x nah serious lam menjalinkan pape hubungan.. for them its too early to be in a serious relationship.. base on my experience yeah its true... lelaki muda mostly suka mempermainkan perasaan permpuan.. lelaki yg lebih tua lagi matured and fikir bkn tuk maen2 lam jalinkn hubungan krn for them, they really need sum1 in their life.. :) stuju x??!!.. ahaha

what i meant lebiy pandai handle perempuan are.. dorang lebih pandai amik hati kita and faham ngan kerenah kita... thats true actually.. cuba bygkn kalau kuar ngn lelaki yg berperangai cam dak2... huh girls lebih matured drp lelaki yg sm baya.. huhu mcm kuar ngn adik sendiri je,,... n guy yg muda fikir hy tuk seronok2 but the girls yg lebih serious... haih mcm mn la nk tahan...

financially secure.. yeps!!! my advice bile kuar ngn laki jgn kuarkn sesen pun.. x berbaloi!!.. if dorang sygkn kt sepatutnya be a gentleman la.. x malu ke kalau perempuan tu asyik belanja je.. ahaha sp x ska if expense semua org laen byrkn... well bkn jd materialistic ke pe.. just that think logic ye.. kalau pape pun lps kawin pun an lelaki yg kn bg nafkah bkn perempuan yeh...

Bukannya nak kata kn mencari yg tua2 or should i say sugar daddy.. ahaha just that carilah yg atleast 5 taun lg tua.. :) hehe yg de masa depan and ikhlas ngn kite.. well now i'm hoping that i'll find my true love one day.. but not now..I nak focus lebiy pd studies.. nak couple ngn fara.. my fav words to them...
"kalau u ikhlas nkkn i.. tunggu 2 taun lg..jumpe parents i dulu..kalau dorang approve u.. br kt bercinta cintan.."

ahaha but i am hoping for an older man hehe... :P


Broger Hills!! :)

on the 10th february I went to Broga Hills with my friends... ^^ ktorg just gi ngok sunrise.. overnight that night since 10pm.. 1 a.m till about 3 am gi karoake dulu at seksyen 7... kul 4 lebih bertolak ke semenyeh... :) dari shah alam ke semenyih it took about one hour and a half... ahaks malangnya mcm mn la ley tersesat bila smpai at semenyeh.. anyway that wont stop us from going there..

bila smpai Broga well ktorg daki la naik bukit.. ahaha.. jalan agak gelap soo masing2 bergantung pada cahaya lampu suluh la.. terkial-kial nak naik bukit.. penat sgt sumhow we really enjoy it sbb sejuk n nyaman je.. herm perjalanan naik bukit agak2 lam sejam lebiy la.. but fara just stop at puncak yg kedua.. haha x mampu nk teruskn yg ketiga sbb mcm curam sgt bila nk turun..

Bile smpai at puncak kedua.. one word to described it AMAZING!!! lame x nampak bintang yg byk at langit.. and bile ngok bwh cahaya lampu jalan and bangunan nmpk mcm lautan bintang je at bwh.. smpai situ lebih kurang kul 6 lebiy..

tenang je bile smpai at puncak... indahnyalah ciptaan tuhan..x sbr menanti sunrise..
well pictures below delah skit2 waktu at puncak..

sebelum matahari terbit ^^

the sunrise it's soo beautiful :)

pemandangan sekitar bukit.. nyaman sgt

Lupa nak kenalkn kwn2 yg gi sm,.. friends yg join nabilah (bel), bard, paan, mut, mun, exora, nyna,and b.. but mostly ktorg mcm berpecahlah.. soo end up I hang up with bard, paan and bel je lah.. btw tanx for inviting me guys :)

Paan, bel and me :)

bard, me and bel :) chumel an bel ^^

after puas ngok pemandangan at puncak.. well ktorg mula beransur turun menuruni bukit about lam kul 8.. huhu jalan tuk turun sgtlah licin n curam... but the best part bila turun sgt best ley mengelongsor... ahaks.. n tanx tuk paan sbb slalu tolong fara waktu turun bukit.. your my best buddy always.. ^^ n wait lupe lak otw nk turun ktorg nmpk de buaian tersembunyi dicelah bukit.. ahaks igt lagi x waktu dato' sheikh muzaffar (haha x tau la eja slh ke btl)kawin dulu.. dorang nah kot tangkap gambar naik buaian ni... haha ktorg pe lagi yg gurls semua nk try la naik.. well buaian tu agak tinggi la.. but sumhow tanx to the guys yg byk tolong ktorg naik buaian ni..

haha mcm mn la ley de kasut atas pokok ni.,. ahaha nmpk klasik la plak.. XD

buai laju2 sy nk kawin ngn anak raja.. hehe

well frankly saying it was an awesome experience.. :) I syorkn sgt2 korang gi gak mendaki bukit broga.. lihat keindahan ciptaan Allah s.w.t dan sentiasa bersyukur akan apa yang diciptakannya untuk kita.. you wont regret after reaching the top.. ^^ one day I'll be back there if I really miss to see the stars and the fresh air.. btw tanx paan sbb penat2 drive ke sn and x lupa pd korang yg laen semua krn ajak fara.. :)

p/s: I love you guys ^^


Start doing the Right Thing..

People says that when we are really mad at someone it will be ok to just release it in a right way.. maybe I was too angry of myself for once believing someone blindly.. All I ever think was a playback... I know it is wrong to make a revenge.. somehow I don't think it as a revenge... all I ever want was to make him regret for what he had done.. soon I realize I am just hurting myself even more.. Somehow I really do need to really believe in karma.. that what goes around will come around...Allah knows what best for me.. Its better this way.. I learn my lesson and I have to be more careful in the future.. I hope one day he will realised what he is doing is wrong and regret hurting others feeling..

Well I won't cry or wait for someone to console me.. all I ever want to be free from all the memories that we had together.. and I want to focus more on my future... Fara you need to remember your promise to achieve those dream of being a consultant one day.. so I won't be wasting my time regret for everything that had happen..


A friend once told me

"perempuan yg suci ialah prmpuan yg dijaga Allah..tidak sedikit pun Allah membenarkan mana2 lelaki mnyentuh dirinya walaupun hatinya kerana Allah t'amat mnyintai dirinya..ttapi,andai kita bgelumang dgn cinta lelaki,dimana Allah utk mnjga kita?? Allah sperti melepaskan kita pd manusia yg lebih byk mngecewakan kita.. Jika Allah dtgkan ksedaran dlm diri utk mninggalkan cinta lelaki,bmakna Allah mahu ambil kita kembali utk dijaga-Nya..mengapa masih ragu2??kekuatan usah ditunggu tetapi harus dicari..hargailah kesempatan yg Allah berikan"

- tanx friend :) indah kata2 semangat ni..


stop playing hearts

for people out there who always been unfaithful to the one you love..herm now you ley maenkan perasaan dorang sbb bukannya die yg x setia but korang yg x setia. One thing I don't understand korang x de perasaan bersalah ke lukakan hati org laen mcm tu.. mungkin korang x fhm pe itu mksdnya keikhlasan.. mcm i blaja lam psychology korang digelar ludus lover.. or should I say player... hy tau memainkn perasaan org laen..

But always remember what goes around comes around.. one day you will meet someone that you truly love and will be left alone broken.. Don't ever think that you will get away from your lies.. n girls out there if once a boy lie to you he won't stop lying.. just leave he does not worth ur time n love.. sekali u tau die tipu you x yah ragu2 lagi just tinggalkn die je you won't REGRET at all..somehow kalau terus hold on into him die akan lagi naik kepala n fikir die bgs sgt.. girls or boys jgn jadi bodoh n buta kerana cinta.. igtlah cinta pada yang Maha-Esa lg membahagiakn..

p/s: I regret ever knowing him but tanx to him I learn that dun ever trust sum1 blindly..


Debat! =_=!! x mau dah..

ahaks debat.. herm truthfully I'm really not good in it at all.. can I be a good lawyer? huhu.. for debat assessment.. herm x tau la how was my performance.. some how rsnya mcm truk je I wat.. hahaha XD biarlah benda da lepas.. Anyway atleast de pengalaman debat.. ^^

Now br je balik rumah.. well this holiday I'll be alone at home.. family balik kg (perak).. herm bukannya x nak ikut balik just assignment bertimbun n nak wat revision lg.. kalau blk kg nanti confirm tido je satu keje x kan siap.. ahaks soo berkorban la skit..

p/s: lonely ye sorang2 je at umah wktu cuti... :(