
stop playing hearts

for people out there who always been unfaithful to the one you love..herm now you ley maenkan perasaan dorang sbb bukannya die yg x setia but korang yg x setia. One thing I don't understand korang x de perasaan bersalah ke lukakan hati org laen mcm tu.. mungkin korang x fhm pe itu mksdnya keikhlasan.. mcm i blaja lam psychology korang digelar ludus lover.. or should I say player... hy tau memainkn perasaan org laen..

But always remember what goes around comes around.. one day you will meet someone that you truly love and will be left alone broken.. Don't ever think that you will get away from your lies.. n girls out there if once a boy lie to you he won't stop lying.. just leave he does not worth ur time n love.. sekali u tau die tipu you x yah ragu2 lagi just tinggalkn die je you won't REGRET at all..somehow kalau terus hold on into him die akan lagi naik kepala n fikir die bgs sgt.. girls or boys jgn jadi bodoh n buta kerana cinta.. igtlah cinta pada yang Maha-Esa lg membahagiakn..

p/s: I regret ever knowing him but tanx to him I learn that dun ever trust sum1 blindly..