
3 things

Its all about the three things... hehe a few days ago I keep asking some of my friends the 3 things that they like and hate about me.. actually its for me to know what people see in me..the good things about me and the bad things about me.. because I want to be a better person than I was before..

now these are those 3 things that they comment about me..

things that they like about me:
- ur smile
- ur maturity
- ur kindness
- Mulut aku lancang tapi kau boleh tahan.
- Kau baik
- blh diharap
- cntik ble snyum
- mature tp kdg2 je cm bdk..
- you're sweet..
- you're kind..
- you're adoring..
- you're wonderful..
- you're amazing just the way you are..
- u really a good friend
- know how to teach idiot man! HAHAHA
- sentiasa nmpk menarik! n ma
- ur smile 4sure
- hmm..i can share everything wit u
- i love da way u treat me
- awk comel..
- awk sempoi,sy ske huhu..
- awk bek..
- cheerful & sweet person.
- senang utk di bawa borak2 (friendly a.k.a per
amah lar gak)
- i think u are a good lover.haha
- lovely
- beautiful
- faithful
- bubbly attitude
- smart
- sopan (eceh...)
- hardworking
- tough when it comes to study or family
- just like a sister xD

things that they dislike about me:

- weak when it comes to love things.
- easily hate things when it doesn't follow d way you want it to be
- hate seeing u cry bcos of man.
- cengeng (layan sakatan)
- cepat marah
- BaMel (bajet chumel)
- kdg2 bile moody tu je
- muka mintak penampar kau tuh!
- perngai kau yg sgt rajin n perfect. im jealous! hate it
- bila kau bad mood gila bangang. brckp pun xnk.ee!
- annoying sgt ble mrh
- ske wt muka wlaupon mrh kt org laen
- sarcastic ckit tp jrg sgt la
- Kau bukan watak anime.
- Kau tak reti tgk anime.
- Kau tak faham kecantikan anime.
- ble awk nk bls dendam
- mood awak x menentu
- awk sombong!!jrang dh tgur sy..
- awk jnji nk bg hdiah tp x bg2 lg
- x der lg kot..

well tu je kot comment2 ye...that i manage to get from my friends.. anyway thanks for your honest answer... ok I admit that sometimes I did things that annoyed every1 around me.. but truthfully I love making fwens with you guys.. sorry if I once hurt your feelings.. I change the bad things that you all see in me.. tanx aite :)

p/s: korang ni betul ke ni jujur??... ahaha