
"Perfect and Complete"

Perfect-ion in life..
well it's not a guy with a shiny amour or a good looking guy that I'm looking for..
all I want is just a guy that could love me truly..
I'm still incomplete and I'm not perfect

searching for
- friendly..
I mean bkn yg smpai terlebih friendly yg x dpt bezakn batas lelaki ngan perempuan..
- ego..
have this ego yg sukakan cabaran and x mudah mengalah bile hadapi masalah
- aktif..
sukakan sukan and bukan jenis pemalas duk buang masa ngn game je
- pendirian tetap..
degil bile membuat keputusn
- kemas..
act rupa x la penting sgt just that seseorg tu kemas n de charisma da cukup
- penyabar..
yea fara mmg kuat cemburu n mudah curiga hope that die sentiasa ley sbr ngn sikap fara..
- understanding person..
sum1 yg memahami segala tindkn fara atas sbb sygkn die..
- manis..
bukan yg jenis pandai mengayat at perempuan.. mksd fara seseorg yg sentiasa penuh dgn kejutan yg manis and by his action he will shows that he really love me..
- Leadership..
plg penting die seorg pembimbing.. sum1 yg akn membuat fara bahagia dunia akhirat.. (:

that sum1 always give me the courage to move on and to be successful in life
smile to me even though he is hurting
always give time for me when i need him
make me feel secure every time that he is around
listen to my problem even though he knows he couldn't help me he will try to cheer me up
appreciate every little thing that I've done to him

I'm not perfect
and I'm not looking for sum1 who is perfect
because nobody perfect in this world..
but I'm looking for sum1 who can complete my life and make me feel perfect again

p/s: after the breakup i lost my confident in giving others the chance to make me feel complete again.. however i do believe that one day I could find the prefect HIM..